Something Very Odd: Chapter 9: The umbrella

“Just a second honey!” shouted D.2.

“What should we do!?” whispered Hazel in a shaky voice.

“Let me see!” Said Ninosh as he dug a big umbrella out of his never-ending pocket of. “Come on kids, this is my umbrella of invisibility if we stand underneath it no one will be able to see us, quick!”

“I’m coming in!”exclaimed Z.2.

Ninosh quickly opened the umbrella as the children hurried under it. The children froze like statues, observing intensely as the door slowly creaked open. Reveling Z.2 and Woody who he had on a metal leash.

“Woody,” whispered Hazel.


“What is it boy!?”Questioned Z.2.

“That’s not Woody Hazel,” whispeared Zack back to Hazel.

“Children stay quiet!” Warned Ninosh.

“What’s that noise?”Questioned Z.2.

“What noise dear? Do you need to go to the doctor again!?” Asked D.2.

“NO, NO, I’m fine!” Shouted Z.2.

“Come on lets go check with the doctor,” insisted D.2.

“If I must.” Said Z.2 giving in.

As they made their way out of the room D.2 whispered ”I’ll get the Zorgoli and send you a message for when we should meet .”

The children breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phew, that was close!”Gasped Toure.

“Should we trust her?”Asked Hazel.

“Well I certainly don’t!”Exclaimed Daisy.

”We shouldn’t jump to any conclusions just yet she said she’ll get the Zorgoli’,” explained Ninosh ”For now, we have to keep on moving.”

The children nodded simultaneously and began following Ninosh as he led them back up the narrow hallway but instead of going back into the room they were in before which was on the left. They went further down to a door which had a small lock in it.

”Zack where is the key you use for your house on earth?”Questioned Ninosh

”Oh well it’s right here but why do you nee…”

Ninosh took the key and unlocked the door

”Okay then.”

The door creaked revealing a dark spiral stair case that led to the rooftop. They made their way up the thirteen floored staircase stopping in between the floors to take a rest. When all of a sudden a loud bang came from beneath them!

Something Very Odd: Chapter 8.The Zorgli

“I need to talk to you later, meet me at the bridge behind the castle alone or I will expose you! ” whispered Daisy’s doppelganger (D.2)

“Daisy! Stop talking to the help!” Uttered Zack’s doppelganger (Z.2) arrogantly.

“I was just asking her to go get the mic for your opening speech,” replied D2.

Hazel hurried away to go and ask Ninosh for a microphone and told everyone what D.2 said to her before she had to deliver the microphone to Z2.

Z.2 stood up and tapped his glass to get everyone’s attention.

“Hello, to all of you and thank you for all coming! It is with great pleasure that I can announce two very incredible things, one of them is that I am now engaged to one of the most powerful women in the Universe, the soon to be Daisy Wilsfred!”

A round of applause filled the room as D.2 put on a fake smile. Zack and Daisy stared at each other red-faced and in shock while Hazel and Toure giggled quietly.

Z.2 continued, “As well as that we have the Zorgoli!”

Suddenly a roar of cheers and applause took over the room as Z.2 lifted the ball high above his head with sheer happiness in his eyes. The children looked at it in despair as shivers ran down their spines at the thought of their universe being destroyed.

Ninosh quickly gathered the children in an empty room nearby.

“Our target is the ball or as they call it Zorgoli. We will have to get it before the sky turns green the day after tomorrow! Also, Hazel did Daisy’s doppelganger seem as if she knew about you or know anything about us? “questioned Ninosh

” Well she did say she would expose me if I didn’t go meet with her alone and I suppose she knows about everyone else, which could completely blow our cover and our plan!” stuttered Hazel.

Ninosh struggled for words, shaking his head in dissatisfaction and annoyance, only being able to say “She must have…”

” Known! Well hello, humanoids! I was going to meet somewhere more private but I guess here will do. ” Announced D.2 as she appeared locking the door behind her, “You guys should really be more careful anyone could have walked into your little meeting here,” D.2 smirked mischievously as she waltzed towards Ninosh. “Did you really think you could outsmart me?”

“What exactly did you want to talk to us about?” interrupted Ninosh

“I want in on your plan, ” replied D.2

“For what price?” asked Zack

“Why do you think I want something in return?” questioned D.2.

“Because everyone here has an ulterior motive,” answered Daisy

“So you’re my infamous doppelganger. Oh my it’s true it is as if I’m looking in a mirror, only, I have far better style choices,” said D.2 looking her doppelganger up and down.

“Hey! The only reason I’m wearing these clothes is because I don’t want to blow my cover! Unlike you who thinks wearing those tacky clothes is actually fashionable!” Replied Daisy

“Sassy!Exactly like me. Although your plan clearly hasn’t worked.” commented D.2.

“Should we stop it? You know, before it turns into an actual cat fight?!” questioned Toure

“Oh please, my standards aren’t that low,” answered D.2.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?!”Challenged Daisy furiously.

“Oh cool your jets.” Responded D.2


“Miss Daisy are you in here your husband is out here.” Said a waiter

“Daisy who are you talking to!?” Exclaimed Z.2

“No one dear!”

“Okay! I’m coming in!”

Something Very Odd: Chapter 7. The Doppelgangers

The children looked in amazement at the castle.

“Whoa it’s huge!!!” remarked Hazel.

Ninosh quickly gave them disguises and showed them into the secret entrance behind the grapevine as Aristrocian took Woody and hid, Ninosh and the children cautiously walked down the purple coloured leafy staircase with only a single blue flamed candle that allowed them to see.

Suddenly light filled the room as a slit of light came through the bottom of a big oak door with indigo flowers en-crested in the rims of the doors.

Ninosh slowly tapped on the door (TAP-T TAP-TAP). All of a sudden it lifted up. The children shuffled as they put on their disguises which consisted of wigs and waiter outfits that you put over your clothes. Now dressed in their newly equipped disguises, they continued on with their roles in the plan: Toure the lookout, Hazel the distraction, Daisy the transporter, Zack the runner and Ninosh the grabber. Ninosh quickly blew out the candle as they entered an ombre-coloured spinning room. Ninosh walked straight through it without even giving the slightest sign of awe while the children’s mouths dropped open.

Ninosh shouted at the children “Quick, we might miss the opening ceremony!”

The children quickly hurried out of the room their eyes still fixed at the sparkling lights that surrounded them. Then they swiftly rushed through the narrow hallway and finally made it into a huge extravagant dining room, the seats all filled with people in exuberant clothes of all sorts, drinks at hand and at the very head of the table (which seemed miles away) was someone who looked exactly like Zack, to the left of him was Hazel’s doppelganger and to the right was Daisy’s. Toure’s (the one who stole the ball) was standing behind  Zack’s doppelganger’s chair whispering something in his ear and seemed to be passing something shiny to him.

“Look there’s the ball” whispered Toure.

“We should just go and get it now!” exclaimed Hazel.

“No!” remarked Ninosh and Zack in sync.

“Why not!?” questioned Hazel.

“Because we need to stick to the plan.” Explained Zack.

Ninosh speedily pushed Hazel forward and handed her a bottle which made popping sounds as he did so he told her to give it to Zack’s doppelganger.

As she made her way to the head of the table, sweat rolled down her forehead and as she passed her doppelganger’s chair she quivered. Eventually she made it to Zack’s ‘twin’ and passed the bottle to him, trying hard not to make eye contact in fear that he may take notice and realize that she looks exactly the same as the person sitting next to him.

Just as she turned away, Daisy’s doppelganger latched onto her arm.

“Excuse me mam.”

Hazel froze for if she turned around there was a possibility that people would notice the striking resemblance between herself and her doppelganger.

My Short Story -The Cursed Island

The ocean breeze clinged on to my ebony hair as I searched the ocean endlessly. Waiting for somebody to save me and the crew from this cursed island.

Other sailors lost hope as the days passed by. Some attempted to end the suffering but never seem to be able to do it.

With the food lessening, the sailors slowly grow hungry and days go by slower. Many of us have become crazy, and every now and again the infected sailors start to attack the others. If it gets out of hand we have no choice but to put them down!

Now there are only a few of us left and we are just about managing to stay alive. So I search the ocean endlessly,waiting for someone to save me and my crew.

Something Very Odd: Chapter 6. The Journey

The room was filled with a variety of sugary treats from all sorts of places they even had an area for animals, which was the first place Woody headed.

Toure watched, analysed and talked to the bird, which stood on a child-sized candy cane. It occasionally replied with a few tweets and an odd sounding “Twello.”

With all the different types of sweets in the room, Daisy thought it would be a shame not to note them down, and so took out a small old shabby looking notebook and a little fountain pen to describe and record all these amazing new sweets. In the meantime, Hazel dived into the sweets practically swimming in the overflowing candy- river!

Just as everyone was entranced with what they were doing Zack accidentally tripped as he was making his way towards Toure. As he tripped he accidentally pushed Toure into the candy cane which suddenly made all the candy disappear and made Hazel fall to the ground.

It was replaced by a room full of a variety of gadgets!

Daisy ran straight to a machine that printed butterflies that floated around the room. She looked at the machine for a while closed her old shabby notebook and took out newer looking one, to write some ideas. Hazel, on the other hand, stared at a machine that was called “Medusa’s Curse.” So Hazel thought it would be funny to shot at it with one of the lollipop sticks she had left in her pocket. While Zack told Toure that he could go explore while he kept an eye on the blue bird which was now on a machine that allowed you to go through walls. While the kids searched the room, Ninosh entered saying “Ahh Zack I see you’ve found our way out! This is the one we’re using for the mission I’ll put it into my pocket of never endings! Well come on humanoids it’s time we got going.”

Aristrocian ushered the children out of the house whilst Ninosh leads the way and headed down a dark purple paved pathway. The children tried to catch up to Ninosh but found it hard as the path wiggled vigorously. They looked at Ninosh and Aristrocian in awe as they walked with complete ease whilst, the children tripped and wobbled trying to regain their balance. With much effort, they finally reached the castle which went through the clouds.

Something Very Odd: Chapter 5. The Plan

The children looked towards a grand doorway where the boy’s voice had seemed to come from. As they were anticipating their new accomplice, a freckled boy with meadow green eyes and ginger hair walked into the room. He wore a top hat with steampunk goggles on top and a long-tailed suit.

The boy looked at the children with amazement and then whispered, “Why who are you! And what are those things you’re wearing? They would never allow those here! Oooh, what is that?”

He stared at Woody in awe as if he had never seen such a beautiful creature.

“Haven’t you ever seen a dog?”  Asked Toure shocked.

“Of course I have but not for…Years!!! ” answered the boy slightly stunned himself, “Oh, how rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself I’m Ninosh. What are your names?”

“Well I’m Zack and this is my younger sister Hazel along with my two best friends Daisy and Toure.” replied Zack.

“Where are you from exactly? Because you look really familiar,” questioned Ninosh, as he inspected Zack.

“Let’s just say they’re not from here,” said Artisrocian as he stepped in.

“Ah, I see. Humanoids. Let me guess they’re part of that song your parents use to sing?” answered Ninosh. “How does it go? Is it like this: Somewhere in the universe hiding in the deep, darkness upon the lighted ball…”

“Children wander through a wall, crashing down the curse… Joy slowly restores to us, as they see the children soar… ” harmonized Artisrocian as he finished the song.

“Um, where are the blueprints?” said Aristrocian quickly looking around.

“Ahh yes the blueprints, they’re here! I have been undercover as one of the workers there. So I was able to get the blueprints and monitor the place to see the best plan of action,” said Ninosh excitedly. As he guided them through the plan, he pointed at the various entrances that they would be able to get into.

“Awesome!” said the children nodding with excitement and nervousness as they looked over the blueprints.

“Does everyone understand their job?”

“Yes!” they replied cheerfully.

“Okay, we will leave at night-fall,” instructed Aristrocian.

“In the meantime, you may explore the house,” said Ninosh.

“Yes, come on let’s go!” said Zack to the others.

The children wandered up levitating stairs.

“Whoa! How are they floating?” asked Hazel.

“I dunno but let’s go.” replied Daisy.

Together they headed up the stairs; they looked around in wonder, as colourful, glowing bubble like lights floated pass them and went around the house.
Along one side of the wall was a beautiful waterfall which flowed into a little stream that created a yin and yang design and held a small school of gorgeous koi fish. The stream had a couple of interesting log benches along the side of it and was surrounded by various, exquisite and unusual looking flowers and plants.

“Look at that!” said Toure excitedly as a tiny royal blue bird with two long feathered tails landed on the banister and sung a sweet song.

“Sounds beautiful!” said Daisy as she admired the bird.

“That it does,” said Zack.

Just then the bird flew into the room ahead. Hazel enticed by the bird ran after it with her brother and friends following closely after.

As they scattered into the room, they noticed a strange darkness to it. With the only light coming from the bird they had just followed in.

“Light please,” whispered Hazel, the light automatically turned on.

“WOW!” said the children.



Something Very Odd: Chapter 4. New Meetings

“Well,  we best get going children. The guards will be here soon,” said the man quickly.

“Um, okay.” They murmured.

“Before we go could you at least tell us your name?” Asked Toure.

“Ahh yes, but we must make introductions quick. My name is Artisrocian Blue but, you may call me Blue.”

“Nice to meet you this is Za…” Daisy began just before Artisrocian interrupted her saying, “No need. I already know who you are, shall we get going then.”


“It’s just through these woods,” said Artisrocian, as he pointed towards a dark overgrown forest. The children watched stunned as the pathway shuffled turning into a set of dark trees and bushes. Even the sky had turned from a weird minty green to a deep shade of purple. Together they set off down a twisting and turning forest path into a wiggly flower-meadow. Days seemed to have passed but the children were not able to rest. Suddenly they came to a halt at a clock-shaped house, which rolled very slowly down a hill.

“Here. This is where we’ll be safe,” said Artisrocian in a stern, quiet voice. He jumped to the steps and the children followed.  When they got into the house Artisrocian shouted, “Ninosh come out! We have guests!”

“Guests! Ok, I’m coming!” Replied the squeaky voice of Ninosh.

Something Very Odd: Chapter 3. Revealed

“What do you mean by price?” Questioned Zack suspiciously.

“Never mind that! Where are we!” Exclaimed Daisy.

“Well, this Universe is called Zingerhager. ”

“What!? What!? What!? Now!?” interrupted Hazel.

“Zingerhager is the universe also known for creating evil intelligence,” replied the voice.

“Evil Intelligence!” Toure exclaimed.

“Yes, it got its name from the crazed scientist Zack Wilsfred!”

“Who!?” demanded Zack.

“Ah you still haven’t figured it out, well before I tell you do we have an agreement?” queried the voice.

“Yes, yes we accept!” answered Zack impatiently.

“Zack, don’t we need to discuss this? I mean we haven’t even seen the thing behind the voice,” asked Hazel

“It’s fine!”Zack replied

“Where was I. Ah yes so nearly everyone on Earth, your universe, has well. A twin. Somewhere in this universe.” Explained the voice.

“Are they all evil?” Queried Toure.

“Yes, this universe use to be good until that scientist came and made this world evil! ”

“But how come your not evil? ” Daisy inquired

“Golden question there! Give her a medal! Well, you see I’m not from this universe I’m from Earth.” Replied the voice.

The being, behind the voice finally stepped out to reveal a slender, tall, big-bearded, seaworthy looking gentleman. He looked as though he had seen unspeakable things with his deep pearly blue eyes.

The children stood unwaveringly, looking at their new companion.


Something Very Odd: Chapter 2. Snatched

The children, who were desperate for an adventure, decided to just have a look at the universe in which they had found themselves in.

They scrambled out of the corner which had now, turned into a multicoloured bush, which contained an upwards flowing waterfall that glowed. Desperate to be freed from their heavy bags, Zack instructed the group to hide their bags somewhere they could find later.

“What about the ball what should we do with it?” Daisy questioned.

“I’ll keep it with me for now, until we know what’s going on,” Zack replied with a stern tone.

As Zack was speaking Hazel picked up what looked like a strawberry and ate it. Suddenly Hazel started to float.

“Ahh help me!” she cried.

Toure quickly reached for Hazel’s hand, just managing to grasp it, but as he tried to pull her down, he himself began to float. Daisy (being the nearest to them) jumped and grabbed Toure’s feet with the slightest of grips but she too got lifted upwards.
Only Zack and Woody were left to help. So Zack shoved the metallic ball into his pocket and just about reached Daisy’s hand. When he got hold of her hand, he ran as fast as he could to a tree which they saw earlier on. He managed to grab hold of it and bring everyone down.

“Is everyone okay?” asked Zack concerningly.

“Yes,” replied Hazel.

Zack looked at his younger sister with utter fury!

“Hazel what did you do! Do you know how much danger you put everyone in! You could have poisoned yourself eating that and you could have killed us all!” Raged Zack.

As Zack stormed off, tears filled her eyes, and she ran off in the opposite direction. Daisy followed after her, while Toure and Woody went to look for Zack, who headed into a dark and gloomy forest following a luminous blue path. As Zack was walking he accidentally bumped into someone.

“Sorry,” he said in an apologetic voice, as he looked up and upon closer inspection, he realized the person he had walked into was Toure.

“Oh hey, sorry about that,” Toure replied in a deep, husky voice. He seemed not to recognize Zack as he was about to continue on his way.

Zack slightly confused by this and as to why Toure’s voice seemed to have changed to a much deeper tone said, “Hey Toure it’s me, Zack. The guy you’ve been best friends with since pre-school!”

“Um, are you sure?!” Toure asked with a bewildered expression.”I can’t seem to recall ever seeing your face!”

“What do you mean? And why has your voice changed?” asked Zack. Suddenly the metallic ball fell out of Zack’s pocket! Toure stared hard at the ball as Zack picked it up.

In a loud voice, Toure said,  “Where did you get that?”

Zack stood still and watched Toure nervously. Suddenly Toure made a leap for the ball. Before Zack could react, Toure had snatched the ball out of Zack’s hand and ran off! Zack dumbstruck and stunned, shouted for the others to come to his aid.

As soon as Toure heard Zack’s voice he ran to him but when he reached Zack, Zack just looked at him suspiciously and then in an abrupt and raised tone said: “Who are you? Where is the ball?”

Toure looked at him baffled, “I’m Toure, your best mate since nursery! And you have the ball.”

Baffled, Zack replied, “Are you guys playing a trick on me? If so HAHA very funny! Cause you stole the ball and ran away…Even your voice was different…Still trying to figure out how you did that one and where you left Woody.”

“What do you mean Zack, what are you talking about!?” exclaimed Toure unknowingly. “I don’t have the ball and my voice hasn’t changed a bit. Plus Woody’s been with me this whole time and you know we can’t leave him by himself.”

Soon after Daisy and Hazel arrived to see what all the commotion was about.

“But I saw you… You were right there…” mumbled Zack.

“What’s going on… Are you all ok? We heard the shouting?” inquired Daisy breathlessly.  She was all puffed out from the sprint she took to get to Zack.

“I’m fine but lost the ball…”

“What do you mean you lost the ball,” said Daisy in a worried voice.

“Toure stole it from me.”

“I did not.” retorted Toure.

“If it wasn’t you, it was someone who looked just like you in every way, but with a much deeper voice.”

“Like a doppelganger?”

“I guess so…”

Zack looked defeated. Hazel looked up at her older brother and grabbed hold of his hand.

“It’ll be ok. We’ll find it again, don’t worry bro.” She piped.

“It’s far from ok. You children have just lost a portal to your universe. If that portal gets to the emperor, whatever universe you came from will soon be taken over.” Came an eerie voice from the bushes.

“Who are you and what do we do?” asked Toure worriedly.

“A friend and I will help you get it back,” said the voice. “For a price. Of course.”